12 Apr
Project Based Business – Why Not Zero Delays and Defects?
Project Management is a proven method for the delivery of projects on time and to budget. There are many methods out there which have been proven in practice. Some are principle-based while others process based. But they all can provide the basis for best practice for your project based business and can be the underlying driver for your success.
So why not use and embed an approach to enhance your business projects further.
Have you ever asked yourself what drives your customers crazy? As a business that has delivered services to the construction and other related sectors industry for 25 years our experience is that it is the notorious defects that drive customers around the bend.
In today’s climate of fast moving projects and a competitive market, construction and project based businesses have to pull out all the stops to remain competitive. Although the construction market is slowly getting back to some semblance of normality, 2021 is shaping up to end on a high note.
Given this situation how can project based businesses get ahead of their competitors? Well one way to achieve this is to introduce a policy of zero delays/defects.
This may sound like an impossibility but if it can be achieved and managed it would form the basis of solid customer relationships and after all this is what all businesses strive to achieve. The key to this is to develop a set of principles (not unlike a project methodology) in your business and here is the basis for its development:
- Evaluate your customers’ expectations – What the business is striving for is customer satisfaction and only the customer can tell you what they want. If you are unsure just ask them.
- Write it down on paper – Make sure it includes the words zero defect approach
- Allow staff their say – how to implement and maintain it, and agree a framework
- Have all directors/executives sign it – into your company policy by way of a charter and lead by example
- Roll out a communications campaign – do this within your business to implement the new policy
- Identify and provide training and coaching – include all staff as required and set a deadline
- Ask customers for feedback – measure as you go and more frequently
- Create a virtuous circle – use customer feedback to improve your projects/products
This type of change in a business requires a deep understanding of the where the business wants to get to and how to achieve this goal. A combination of sound business and project management capability will stir you in the right direction.
Brian Cleere is a Chartered Engineer, trainer and mentor specialsing in project management